Monday 15 November 2010

Three natural supplements to help your back and nerve pain is

Fish oils:

For centuries, people were enthusiastic about the benefits of fish oil containing heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 has been shown to reduce levels of triglycerides (blood fats) and blood pressure, the risk of blood clots, improve the health of the arteries and reducing arterial plaque pathogens. But recent research has shown that the properties of fish oil, reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, aMost placebo-controlled trials of fish oil in chronic inflammatory diseases are important advantages, including disease activity and reduce the use of anti-inflammatory drugs reduces Unfortunately, the diets of most people today in foods that contain high amount of omega-3 has revealed. The main dietary sources of EPA are cold water fish such as salmon.

Glucosamine sulfate:

Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance normally formed from glucose andhigh concentrations in joint structures. As we age, we lose a part of glucosamine and other substances in our cartilage. This can lead to thinning of the cartilage and the development and progression of back problems. It provides the raw material through the body of cartilage and connective tissue, which in turn contribute to provide cushioning and lubrication for the joint use of return. Glucosamine sulfate has been around for many years, glucosamine has been scientifically proven to reduce commonComplaints, increased joint lubrication, stimulates cartilage repair, maintain the common area and has an anti-inflammatory.

White Willow Bark:

White Willow Bark is a tree in Europe and Asia. The name "White Willow" comes from the color of the leaves, which are covered with white hairs. The use of willow bark dates and a long white doctor. The ancient Egyptians used white willow inflammation. The greek physician Hippocrates wrote of white willow is the drugUsed in the 5th century BC, the inhabitants of the white willow bark, instead of taking aspirin because it does not seem as irritating to the stomach lining. It could be because the salicin found naturally in white willow bark acid converted after being absorbed from the stomach.

The researchers also suggested that white willow effective aspirin because of other substances present in the cortex, but not the drug Bark. Animal Research at the University of Cairowillow bark extract and ASA concluded that the extract of willow bark was as effective as aspirin in reducing inflammation, although the salicin content of less than an equivalent dose of ASA was.