Diabetes and its complications can be treated without medication. There are natural remedies for diabetes.
There are three natural cures for diabetes
Before Diet
2. Exercise
Third Supplement
The food is the best and the first natural remedies for diabetes patients. A proper diabetic diet menu should have a low glycemic index, food is theLow-carbohydrate, moderate in protein and fiber. This type of diet reduces diabetes, blood sugar, reduces the absorption of insulin, and less need for medications. It will also help reduce weight, reduce blood pressure, diabetes and heals the body supports the overall health and energy.
Eating a daily handful of peanuts is to help people with diabetes and help with honey every day and reduce diabetes.
JuiceTomatoes, apples, pink, cucumber, bitter Gour, spinach, carrots and cabbage are useful for treating diabetes Lemon course.
Numerous studies have shown that treatment very useful exercise for diabetics and can significantly. Regular exercise helps diabetes patients to reduce the weight of the falling rate of natural sugar in the blood, improves insulin sensitivity, helps strengthen the immune system and helpstraffic, less bad cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol, improve and strengthen the good cholesterol (HDL). And this is a natural way to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Asana - yoga postures are also helpful diabetes care, of course patients. Some coaches prefer the asanas are Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Shalabhasana, Sarvangasana, Paschitmottasana and some other asanas also helps heal diabetic.
A daily morning walk or run a few can evenhelp cure diabetes.
Game like badminton also helps the blood sugar level.
Nutritional Supplements
There are many supplements that each batch of daily diabetes should be on this process to treat diabetes naturally. These additions are very good and that helps a lot of sugar in the blood and lower insulin levels, reduce cholesterol levels, blood pressure, energy efficiency and reducereduce the risk of heart disease. These additions are really very natural, and these supplements may help protect the tissues (kidney, blood vessels, eyes) of the damage that diabetes causes also common. They should also help reduce the cycles of treatment with blood.
The benefits of these supplements is not merely theoretical, but the magic that cures diabetes is a natural fact. There are thousands of published studies on the economyThe effects of these supplements in patients with diabetes. Surprisingly, the overwhelming evidence, the doctor does not recommend more than food supplements, despite their diabetic patients.
Of course it is much better than drugs.