Thursday 16 December 2010

natural fat burning supplements

There are many herbs and supplements on the market that are sold as fat burners. Some claim to increase body temperature, leading to higher rates basal metabolic rate (BMR). Others claim to stimulate the liver to metabolize, so that a higher rate of fat. Still others are designed to increase your heart rate so you can work in the field of fat burning long as you want.

Thus, the changes are for real, and what you should avoid?Clearly, there is no magic pill, the immediate results of weight loss. If so, obesity would no longer be a problem. But there are actually some supplements, weight loss was related to the acceleration.

The best supplements for fat loss is green tea, guggul, and dandelion. Each of these additions has been studied and found that the results are measurable weight loss.

Guggul has been noted in particular that the diet helps you lose six timesWeight than those who received placebo. Guggul resin from Commiphora mukul shrub found in North Africa and India. A study of two groups on the same diet and exercise showed that both groups lost weight, while the group who did not take 3 grams of guggul lost not a day less than 4 kg in the group.

Green tea acts as a mild stimulant and appetite suppressant for its caffeine content. But his real power lies in the vegetable ingredientsit contains. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, that the regime of 390mg green tea extract per day lost twice as much weight as the diet, who do not consume green tea, although both groups had identical profiles caloric intake and activity.

Dandelion is a popular fat burner, as it is believed that the liver to stimulate fat metabolism. It also has diuretic properties that help get rid of water weight.

Note that none of these plantsnot even enough to help you lose fat. They only improve the results you get from food and exercise. Although the plants, which can be dangerous if you have certain health problems or if you use wrong. Always ask your doctor before using supplements to your diet.