Friday 15 October 2010

ADD natural complement

Throughout the world, ADD is a growing problem with children and adults. Treatment options are as controversial as the development of the disease. The diagnosis "official" is showing signs and symptoms of hyperactivity and behavior problems of concentration. The ADD syndrome could also take a toll on social life and do not affect the ability of a person to co-exist. Today, there are a number of options to add are a natural extension on the world marketaround and help conquer the disease.

Supplements such as Ritalin and similar drugs are the ADD in the world for healing. The condition is known to worsen by the day in front of negligence and ignorance. There are a number of resources online and offline due to ADD and providing options for 24x7 natural extension of new research. Experts from the medical profession and the general health careProfessionals are now waiting for the appropriate use of supplements can add the person must be able to lead happy and productive life.

Some of the many options include natural supplements ADD neuro-chemical stimulants. These will be considered for the treatment of the disease in most European countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, USA and Great Britain. Stimulants are prescribed for different levels of manifestation, Ritalin.Other options are seen as complementary Cylert, Dexedrine, Prozac, Wellbutrin, desipramine and clonidine. In addition to these natural supplements include a diet high in protein and fat, regular consumption of sardines and anchovies. There are also attempts to make the efficiency of magnesium (the minerals of life ignored) test. These supplements basically enable the enzymes important for the biochemical reactions in brain cells. Thisin turn, should be very effective in treating ADD.