Thursday 24 June 2010

Supplements and the supplement industry - an introduction

If you are not familiar with the additions and tried to buy them can be confusing and overwhelming, because now there are so many different brands and products, all with a new incumbent. Currently, there are many products that are virtually impossible to keep track of everything. Even people who work there tend to supplement, minerals, specialized in certain areas, such as vitamins / -, sports supplements, herbs, etc.

Supplements are alsoconfusion, because depending on who you speak, you can get very different opinions. Many people have distorted views or additions, with people on one hand the extreme say, any additions must be done in many different people on both sides say that all supplements are useless. As with most issues, the truth lies somewhere in between. There are certainly very supplements available, but several products are essentially worthless, and othersome positive effects, but not worth the price you pay for it.

Perhaps the greatest amount of confusion complement the results of the marketing tactics companies use to promote their products, especially in front of the magazine. Many health and fitness magazines are heard by the same company as the products are advertised in magazines and even some of the elements are designed to promote its own brand of products. When I worked in most shops, I often spokeSupplements with people and it was interesting to note that many people were biased opinions for or against certain brands, including magazines they read.

To make matters worse, the places of scientific research to increase the credibility of the products on the market have often, but rarely this information is presented in an open and fair. In many cases, poorly funded studies by the supplement companies, are the results that have been refuted by manyother studies, or do not have anything to do with selling the product. Unfortunately, the only way to know whether the studies and applications is a legitimate view and read and study the original, but it would be a daunting task, even for people in the industry. Of course, companies are integrating well aware of this fact and expect that people really do not check their claims.

The provision of information, scientific studies, companies often try their products sound betterwhat they really are. The interesting thing is legitimate and dishonest companies use these tactics to market their products. The difference between good companies and bad companies are well-known for high quality ingredients in their products and labels contain accurate information. companies can charge less unseemly amount of ingredients that the label or additions once their claims can not understand some of the ingredients listedAll.

Companies often end with the dubious, or lying down, the quantity of an ingredient in a product, because the supplement industry is not regulated by the state. But while the product is not regulated, there are no regulations on what information can be displayed on a label. For example, companies are not allowed to make claims on products, prevention or cure of disease. Instead the so-called "structure / function"Complaints.

A structure / function is used to indicate the law would be a sort of label that calcium is needed calcium for strong bones. "The label should not state" This supplement prevents osteoporosis. "Any further references that diseases such as osteoporosis made statements like" This award is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. " These statements are necessary because the governmentRules say that only a drug can claim on the prevention or treatment of diseases rendering.

Statements / labels may cause confusion, because the doctor can tell you is this, calcium supplements help osteoporosis, but if you buy, it is not likely) is to prevent diseases (including osteoporosis. Yes that is ridiculous to believe that calcium helps prevent osteoporosis is not a good, but government regulations andIn particular, the pharmaceutical industry, people want to believe that the only effective drugs for the prevention and treatment of medical problems.

Another label condition that often leads to confusion when a product indicates that the diet is supplemented with "." If people see that adding the concept plan, sometimes feels a diet, but every addition is classified as an integrator Dietary resources and has nothing to do with food or weight loss. Theone thing that means the item is not a whole natural foods. The term dietary supplement is generally used to distinguish foods that are regulated by the FDA, and added that the FDA does not regulate.

These types of regulations and other messages from the government or the pharmaceutical industry have contributed significantly, people believe that supplements are useless and a scam. Some are really a scam as they say,Things like: "take this pill and have a great body without changing what you eat or exercise." Fortunately, the quality of scientific research was done enough to prove that now some supplements can greatly benefit the health and fitness, so that fewer people are strongly opposed to supplements and more people are prepared to use supplements.

Personally, I remember, and are used for some time as I can, if I have lessWhen I was 10 years old. I think many people could benefit from supplements of at least one or two, but there are many, many extras. As the name suggests, integrates the program will complement the food, especially eating regularly fill that lack of power, should healthy diet really is not intended to replace.

Supplements are often on theirConvenience, especially things such as food and replacement of protein powder, but are not necessarily more beneficial to eat well balanced meals. To decide not to use a supplement, it is important to have realistic expectations about this, what compensation will then determine whether the benefits, the costs are worth it. This may be something that is difficult for you to do at this stage, but in future I will be more charactersPerformance information to help you learn more in detail what supplements, if you will, the goals of health and fitness.