Wednesday 21 April 2010

Fight against aging - DHEA dietary vitamin A guide to

weaken our body and some of his duties because of the inevitable wear and tear is that with aging. However, the wealth of medical research today has led to the discovery of supplements to help maintain that certain chemicals in our bodies, chemicals - our well-being. An example of this life-giving chemicals dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

First, what is DHEA?

DHEA is a steroid by the adrenal glands, which canLocated near the kidneys. It is unclear whether the effects of the hormone DHEA, but researchers have shown that the body is divided into estrogens (female hormones dominant) and the hormone testosterone (dominant in men). Hormones control body functions such as metabolism and growth.

Thus, DHEA is a significant increase in the aging process. However, its concentration is as its peak about 20 years before declining gradually. This is the problem that the powerDHEA supplements of vitamin answers. Learn to stand up to make basic information about steroids you need to know about vitamin supplements such as DHEA and DHEA or benefit anyone knows.

Who can benefit from vitamin supplements DHEA?

Studies show that DHEA is very useful for people with AIDS or multiple sclerosis. Supplementation of vitamin DHEA can boost energy, increaseStrength, improve immunity, build muscle, reduce fat, and suffer a greater feeling of wellbeing particularly those with AIDS or multiple sclerosis.

DHEA supplements are in the form of tablets or capsules.

Who should not dietary vitamin DHEA?

People who are allergic to DHEA supplements should not DHEA. Even with your doctor before taking vitamin DHEA if you have chronic health problemsProblems, family history of cancer or allergies to certain drugs, foods and other substances.

Vitamin DHEA should not be used during lactation. The risk of taking vitamin supplements to pregnant women, DHEA is still unknown, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not regulate, but for their use. First, consult your doctor before using this supplement steroids in women. Some side effects: acne, hair loss, hair growth on face (mayirreversible), and deepening of the voice (may be irreversible).

DHEA dietary supplements are dangerous for children under two, like any other supplement.

Some memories

Food supplements (vitamins, including DHEA) are not regulated in the United States safe and secure, as the allowance to buy all the harmful additives in them, are about to buy a single line of pharmaceutical products GMP manufacturers.