Thursday 25 March 2010

Treatment of endometriosis with supplements and nutrition

Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue lining the uterus grows outside the uterus, usually in the pelvic region. But they can grow anywhere, even in the brain and lungs. Endometriosis is partly stimulated by the hormones of the menstrual cycle. So pain, a characteristic of symptomatic endometriosis, is worse during ovulation and during menstruation and premenstrual shares of the female cycle.

The symptoms of endometriosis are pelvic pain, abnormal menstrual cycles and infertitlity.If you have endometrial tissue growing between the uterus and rectum, symptoms can include pain during intercourse, pain during bowel movements are (especially before a period) and the pressure in the rectal area. Some women have no symptoms, but to see their doctor of endometrial tissue growing where it should not, during a routine check, or other conditions.

Dr. Christiane Northrup writes of a link between endometriosis and the autoimmune system. She cites studies on womenThe symptoms of endometriosis, show that "these women are often antibodies against its own tissues, such as autoantibodies. This means that at some deep level the spirit of its problems of rejection of the basin for themselves." It 'an interesting approach which contribute to a soul and spirit, with which the fundamental imbalances and emotional energy of our body, if possible with the disease.

She continues: "If a woman feels that her innermost emotional needs are in direct contradictionwith what
World is required of it, endometriosis is one of the ways the body tries to draw attention to the problem. "(P152, Northrup)

Endometriousus management courses

Dr Northrup suggests a treatment that supports the immune system, while the person in question
Endometriosis for what they need to face in their lives.

Natural Progesterone

This will not only reduce the effects of estrogen onEndometrial tissue. The advantages are that
Side Effects. The cream is applied daily to the soft parts of the skin as the face, neck and abdomen. Dr. Northrup
recommends the use of pallone 2 oz a month, alternating the areas it is applied. She suggests that the time
ten to twenty-eight of each monthly cycle. There are also natural progesterone capsules that are inserted
in the vagina or rectum. The recommended dose is 200-400 mgtwice a day.

Castor Oil Packs

Apply a castor oil pack at the bottom of the stomach three times a week or more than one hour per session. Watch what feelings or thoughts come to you at this time.

Other options

Imagine getting a massage once a week every two weeks to two months. Some women have reported this alleviates
their symptoms.

Finding ways to stimulate your creativity to express, to maintain, their own needs. Find out what yourNeeds.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs

Acupuncture is excellent for pain management, and traditional Chinese diagnosis may respond
underlying energy imbalances in your body. The best treatment is right for you. Chinese
Herbs usually required to work in combination with treatment with acupuncture, even if they are taken in their own impact.

Changes in food

Dr. Northrup has found thatbecause symptoms of endometriosis are associated with estrogen too, are minimized in foods that promote the production of estrogen, may help the symptoms. This means that the removal of dairy products, including low-fat variety, increasing fiber intake, fat and cut. It is also recommended:

Tcl / Tk vitamins - a good integration with good levels of vitamin B

Magnesium - 400 - 800 mg, which is about 90 to 150 mg of elemental magnesium. This helps to relax the muscles.

Coping with painBy Nutrition

The basic premise is that "diseases are related to the consequences of vitamin A are not specific, with
Pain. "(P62, Mills & Vernon). And Mills & Vernon also found that research has shown that some vitamins have analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

They suggest these vitamins as options in the treatment of pain:

DLPA - D, L-Phenylalanine is an amino acid, which has been found to relieve chronic pain. This care must be takenconsistent over time. Some fell on an immediate, for others it will take several weeks. If no effect after this time, it probably will not work for you. Take 2 tablets three times daily until symptoms are relieved of pain. The maintenance dose is followed after, is a 1-2 days. This must be based on tablets of 375 mg. You need a presciption for these.

Essential fatty acids - fish oil (omega 3), evening primrose oil (omega-6: Take 2,000 mg a day. Make sure thatCold Pressed. A combination oil, like Udo, is effective, although a bit 'more expensive. To learn more about the optimal ratio of essential fatty acids know, read this article in evening primrose oil.

Citrate or chelated zinc: Research has shown that zinc has anti-inflammatory effects on the knee. Reduces the release of histamine and leukotrienes from the cells in the inflammatory process.

No form of selenium yeast

Vitamin A, C and E are antioxidants:Vitamin E inhibits the production of prostaglandins that are involved in the inflammatory process.

N. yeast forms of vitamins B1, B6 and B12: These three B vitamins together have an anti-inflammatory

Bioflavanoids with vitamin C and enzymes that digest proteins: the use of anti-inflammatory and helps the immune system.

proanthcyanadins (found in the extract of grape seeds)




(P74, Mills & Vernon)

Nutrition, many Ensure that women with endometriosis find when they eat the grain, have less or no pain.
Some people are sensitive to sugar and gluten also. If you remove one of these elements at once from your diet for a period
about a month, then observe how the body reacts when you eat again, do you know if this applies to you.

Many women have endometriosis relief from trying different methods, which is located above. Sometimes a combination of approaches,
both> Natural and conventional, works best. It depends on your personal situation, the amount of endometriosis, and have the kind of trip you will be able to work with your body.


1. Endometriosus: a key to healing through diet, by Dian Mills & Michael Vernon (Thorsons, 2002)

2. The bodies of women, women Wisdon by Dr. Christiane Northrup (Piatkus, 1995)