Thursday 21 January 2010

A Guide to Natural Flu Relief

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The flu virus or flu is highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. It spreads from person to person through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

There are 3 types of influenza

- Type A viruses are human beings, birds, pigs, horses, seals, whales and infect other animals, such as avian influenza or bird flu.

- Type B viruses can infect humans and cause outbreaks smaller. People with type B viruses are often infected by the death in hospitalPrice.

- The type C viruses cause mild illness in humans, without the appearance of an epidemic or pandemic.

Most people are aware of symptoms of influenza, but may be mistaken for a bad cold. Influenza is an infectious disease more serious and can cause serious health complications. There are many viral infections, influenza can cause similar symptoms, so it is best to consult your doctor so that other possibilities before reaching the treatment to be excluded.

The virus in the bodyCells and transforms them into different forms, which explains why people, the flu vaccine in May were always very hard with the flu. The influenza virus is through direct contact with an infected person, such as by inhalation of droplets when you cough or sneeze transferred. Can also occur through the use of objects such as door handles, telephone receivers, which are distributed with an infected person to contact.

If you catch the flu a lot of bed rest and drink plenty of fluids. Most people recoverInfluence in a week or two. Doctors often recommend traditional influenza vaccines in high risk groups such as young children, elderly, chronically ill, weakened immune system or professionals with high-risk groups.

Many people are unaware that there are measures other than influenza and natural holistic treatment, which was also very effective in combating the symptoms. Be administered orally, can homeopathic flu vaccine suitable for all ages and can help preventInfluenza infection without side effects and complications often encountered with the standard influenza vaccine. Herbal and homeopathic remedies focus on the first cause, without side effects or interfere with the immune system, as can be with antibiotics.

The herbs are useful for the natural relief of influence;

• rooperi Hypoxis (African potato) improves the immune system of human beings at all levels, regardless of the nature of the disease.

• Astragalus membranaceus wasused in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, often in combination with other herbs to strengthen the body against disease. It contains antioxidants, the cells against damage caused by free radicals, protecting the byproducts of cellular energy. Astragalus is used to protect and support the immune system, preventing colds and upper respiratory infections, lower blood pressure, protect the treatment of diabetes, and liver.

• Echinacea is another herb calledNatural antibiotic used to alleviate the influence the natural appearance of flu symptoms, prevent or reduce the duration of infection, and support the immune system.

• Yarrow: traditional uses, the treatment of fever and colds, and relief of gastro-intestinal tract.

• Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) Peppermint is always used for symptoms of colds and flu. Because peppermint and its main active ingredient, menthol, are effective laxatives. Peppermintis soothing and calming for sore throat and cough.

• Anas liver barbarian extractum CORDIS: Oscillococcinum by Boiron is a homeopathic flu-like symptoms

GLUCONICUM • Zinc: Zinc reduces GLUCONICUM nasal gel shortened the duration and severity of cold symptoms in healthy adults, if started within 24-48 hours after the onset of the disease.

The products of natural remedies, the influence of herbal and homeopathic relief must be extremely advantageousTreatment of influenza with no dry mucous membranes, such as decongestants and classic without depriving the body of good bacteria, as happens with conventional antibiotics. With a natural remedy for colds and influenza not only help ensure the underlying cause of influence and address, but you get the best possible health and wellbeing.

Useful tips for preventing influenza natural

- Wash your hands often, especially under theNails

- Improve the safety of food to eat that are grown without chemicals and biological

- Eat a cup of organic yogurt, natural, every day, you can reduce the risk of influenza infections

- Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing

- Drink eight glasses of water a day to cleanse the system of the body

- Increase your income supplement with vitamin C and cod liver oil

- Will seek to enlist the help steady, regular and adequate sleep period fight infection

- Reduce stress by practicing relaxation techniques, sports, or listening to music

- Avoid sharing personal items such as food or utensils with someone who has the influence

- Limit consumption of alcohol, because alcohol dehydrates the body and makes you vulnerable to infections

If you feel there is insufficient implementation of chemicals and dyes of harmful substances in the body when the immune system is already taxed, it is possible to obtain products> Nature and the natural relief allay bird flu prevention, work and work with the natural system of your body to heal.