Tuesday 15 December 2009

Iron food and health

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Of iron in the diet is essential to the existence of almost all living organisms. The state of general health and energy levels of the body can be affected by a persistent lack of iron.

Because of biological differences and reproductive processes in women, are more vulnerable to the effects of iron deficiency. The figures show that a significant number of persons of both sexes who do not receive the minimum recommended daily quota of iron.

TheThe result is that these people have a variety of health problems, the slight, which is simply increasing the daily intake of iron for the removal of heavy. The most serious cases, often requiring complex treatment, which was to be prevented from consuming the recommended daily quota of iron in the diet.

An essential function of dietary iron in the blood with oxygen. Iron also provides the energy required for the metabolism of brain development in infantsAs they grow and develop in utero. Iron has the important function of the body's immune system, particularly in promoting the production of white blood cells essential in the fight against infection and disease. The body needs iron to make good use of vitamin B.

Women need to ensure that their iron levels are adequate during pregnancy, health, growth and development of their children depends on it. On the other hand, because of blood loss during thenormal menstruation, most women should take special care during the period, in order to ensure that their iron levels remain within the recommended values.

Lack of iron can lead to a series of health problems, anemia, the most common, resulting in weakness, fatigue and inability to concentrate properly.

Oxygen is one of the most important life-giving powers to the body, iron is essential to see that the oxygen reached all parts of the body through the blood. General feeling of health and well-being depends largely on adequate levels of iron.

Sources of iron rich foods in your diet is strawberries meat, fish, poultry, lentils, beans, leafy vegetables, chick peas, Black-Eyed Peas, tofu, and Farina.

Containing dietary supplements containing iron and iron-fortified foods play an important role in achieving the recommended requirements of iron daily. But like otherSupplements> or medicine, iron supplements should be used properly to be effective.

The body regulates the distribution of iron, both as a defense against bacterial infections and the potential biological toxicity of iron. An overdose of iron, the walls of gastrointestinal damage and cause irreversible damage to important organs of the body, which can ultimately lead to death.

Keep iron supplements and vitamins containing iron andthe reach of children. The child is less likely to survive as an overdose of iron supplements.

, The main functions of the body are largely dependent on the essential nutrient iron. Dietary supplements are safe and reliable to ensure compliance with the recommended daily allowance of iron. Taking iron supplements, as recommended by your nutritionist, a good choice to help keep the body strong and healthy.

For more information, visitour website: http://vitamin.erlypro.com